Wednesday, October 6, 2010

part of speech

there is 8 part of speech and it is:

  1. verb
  2. noun
  3. adjective
  4. adverb
  5. pronoun
  6. preposition
  7. conjuction
  8. interjection
All of this 8 part of speech has its own meaning and its usage. below is the explaination and example for each of the part of speech.

  1. verb
verb is the most important part of the sentences. it asserts somethings about the subject of the sentence and express actions,events, or states of being. The verb is the critical element of the predicate of a sentence.

The usage of verb in word is :
  • (to) be, have, do, like, work, sing, can, must.....etc
the example sentences using verb:
  • I like to eat. you must head home now.
     2.   noun

Noun is a word that represent a person, thing or place. the definition for this is it can be a physical entity or it can be an abstract idea. 

The usage of noun in word is:
  • pen, dog, town, John, London, teacher...etc
The example sentences using the noun:
  • that pen is belongs to me. I love my dog.
    3.   Adjective

An adjective is a word that describe a noun.

The usage of adjective in word is:
  • a/an, the, some, big, small,  well...etc
the example sentence using the adjective.
  • the hamster is small. the dog is big.


The 3 word above is the example of the adjective comparison. which is FAST is the positive base of the adjective, FASTER is the comparative and FASTEST is the superlatives.

 4.  Adverb

An adverb is to describe a verb, adjective, or adverb

  the usage of adverb in word is :

  • quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really,....etc
the example sententece for adverb is:

  • my dog run quickly. i feel very tired. 
   5.  pronoun

the function of pronoun is to replaces of noun.

the example of word:

  • I, you, he, she, some
the example sentences for pronoun:
  •  Tara is one beautiful girl. she also a friendly person.
  6. preposition

the function of preposition is the links of a noun to another word.

the example of preposition word:
  • to, at, after, on,but....etc 
the example sentences:
  • we go to school on monday.
  7.  conjuction

the function of conjuction is to joins clauses or sentences or words.

the example word of conjuction is:
  •  and, but, when...
the example sentences :
  • I love hamster but i don't like mice.
  8.  interjection

the function of interjection is a short exclamation sometimes inserted into a sentences.

the example word of interjection is:
  • ouch!, oh!, hi!, well....
the example sentences:
  • ouch! my fingers hurt. oh! i though you the one who went home lately.


  1. angel..i like on this, keep in touch and happy go luckly..=p

  2. hai lisa...thanks for liking my post...i will try my best to post more take care..^^

  3. ok bha klu ko..am0y..ehehehe..may god bless you and your family..=p
